Michael Weatherly 語録 

NCISでゴス鑑識官・Abby役のPauley Perretteが、Michael Weatherly語録を公表してくれました。

#MichaelWeatherlyQuotes "never trust skinny people when it comes to temperature" :)
Pauley Perrette

(ん? 確かにそうだけど、そんなに面白くないよねぇ)

#MichaelWeatherlyQuotes "Never trust a girl who grew up with maids" :)
Pauley Perrette


#MichaelWeatherlyQuotes "Sometimes I think I should diet & be real thin like other people, but I never want to be that angry" :)
Pauley Perrette


#MichaelWeatherlyQuotes "I think twitter takes a certain personality type, so I just let Pauley do it for us" :)
Pauley Perrette


#MichaelWeatherlyQuotes "The 1st time I saw my wife I swear there was a giant red neon arrow above her saying THAT'S HER!" aww
Pauley Perrette



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