SGAが Gemini賞で 4部門にノミネート 

GateWorld – Atlantis nominated for four Geminis

Actress Jewel Staite and writer Alan McCullough are among those honored with nominations in the twenty-third annual Gemini Awards, recognizing the best in television produced in Canada. Stargate Atlantis received four nominations this year.

まずは、”Missing”の演技でDr. Jennifer Keller役のJewel Staite
カテゴリは”Best Performance by an Actress in a Continuing Leading Dramatic Role”

Best Writing in a Dramatic Seriesカテゴリでは、脚本家のAlan McCullough。
対象エピソードは”Tabula Rasa”

シーズン3に続いての入賞はBest Visual Effectsカテゴリ。
シーズンプレミアの”Adrift”に対してMark Savela率いるVFXチームがノミネート。

そして、Todd MastersとMastersFXチームが、”The Last Man”のすばらしい特殊メイクに対して、Best Achievement in Make-Upカテゴリで入賞。

画像はすべてGateWorldのStargate Image Galleryから

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