Paul McGillionがScottyに? – Star Trek XI 

まだうわさの段階ですが、SGAのDr.ベケット役のPaul McGillion(ポール・マクギリオン)が、来年公開予定のスタートレックXIのチャーリー(Scotty)役のオーディションを受けたとの事。
TrekToday – Casting Rumours For Kirk, Scotty, & Formerly Spock

Meanwhile, reports that Paul McGillion – a popular actor from Stargate Atlantis whose fans lobbied to return his character to that science fiction franchise after being written out during the past season – has auditioned to play Scotty, joining a list of hopefuls already said to include Martin Compston, Greg Hemphill and James McAvoy. “Obviously it would be a great honour to follow in James Doohan’s footsteps,” said the Scottish-born actor, who currently lives in Doohan’s home country, Canada.

ENTでチーフエンジニア役(チャールズ”トリップ”タッカー少佐)だったConnor Trinneerに魅せられた私としましては、Paulがその仲間に入るなんて感激です。(まだ決定じゃありませんが)
ちなみにMike Vogelがカーク役の候補だそうですが、ちょっと可愛すぎませんかねぇ。
Zachary Quintoに関しては特に何もありません(笑) 彼がCSI:に出ていたのを見たとき、チョイ役なのにあまりに濃いんで胸焼けしそうになったのを覚えているとだけ言っておきましょう。(とても地球人とは思えない)
今年の初めにJames Doohanの実子のChris(Christopher Doohan, TMPに出演経験あり)がScottyの候補に挙がっていた事を今日知りました。
GateWorld – McGillion up for ‘Star Trek’ role

Doohan’s son, Chris, campaigned for his father’s old role, but has stepped aside and endorsed McGillion instead. “I know that the chances that I would be the next Scotty are slim to none,” Doohan told “That being said, I think Paul McGillion is a GREAT choice for the role of Scotty. He has a great accent and I think that he actually looks like my father.”


“I can’t say enough about that,” Paul told us. “Thank you, Chris Doohan! I’ve never met him. That was really a surprise and a thrill. He said some nice things about me. That’s really kind of him. I’m absolutely overwhelmed by that.”


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