NCIS シーズン6、今後の展開 

本日発表のAsk Ausiello情報です。

Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‘Grey’s,’ ‘Smallville,’ ‘True Blood,’ ‘Ugly Betty,’ ‘Prison Break,’ ‘Numb3rs,’ ‘Heroes,’ ‘NCIS,’ ‘Housewives,’ Bones,’ and more! | 30 Rock, Ask Ausiello, Battlestar Galactica, Big Love, Bones, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Fringe, Grey’s Anatomy, Heroes, NCIS, Numb3rs, Prison Break, Smallville, True Blood, Ugly Betty | Ausiello Files |

Question: Anything you can tell us about the two-part NCIS episode that sets up next season’s spin-off? –Linda
Ausiello: The eps air on April 28 and May 5, and, according to exec producer Shane Brennan, Gibbs and Co. “travel to Los Angeles and work with the new NCIS team to solve what begins as a murder investigation and turns into something bigger.”


Ask Ausiello: Spoilers on ‘Grey’s,’ ‘Smallville,’ ‘True Blood,’ ‘Ugly Betty,’ ‘Prison Break,’ ‘Numb3rs,’ ‘Heroes,’ ‘NCIS,’ ‘Housewives,’ Bones,’ and more! | 30 Rock, Ask Ausiello, Battlestar Galactica, Big Love, Bones, Brothers & Sisters, Desperate Housewives, Fringe, Grey’s Anatomy, Heroes, NCIS, Numb3rs, Prison Break, Smallville, True Blood, Ugly Betty | Ausiello Files |

Question: Are there any cast changes in store on NCIS? –Kate
Ausiello: Yes, but they’re additions, not subtractions. The show is introducing two new recurring characters later this season: Thirtysomething ICE agent named Julia Yates and mid-50s FBI director Barry Hutchinson.

ICEというのはU.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcementの事でしょうか?
イェイツって、あの麻薬担当の捜査官のキャシー・イェイツ(演じたのはTamara Taylor)とは関係あるのでしょうか?

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